Sunday School
Click HERE to visit our SUMC Kids YouTube Channel

One of our students spends some time with a live bunny at our spring Penny Fair to benefit Heifer International.
SUMC Sunday School
is fun for all ages!
Come visit our 10:00 o’clock Sunday School. We provide lessons and activities for toddlers on up through 8th grade. (Our Classes are divided into appropriate age groups.)
Children will go directly to Sunday School after the children's sermon during the 10 AM service. Parents can meet the children after worship.
Stratford United Methodist Church has a loving and nurturing staff of Sunday School teachers with years of experience.
We observe safe sanctuary practices including background checks.
The lessons we learn are Christ centered and focus on sharing, being kind, and loving one another
Special Events
We have a variety of special events throughout the year like our Easter egg hunt, the Penny Fair, Trunk or Treat, Christmas Advent party and our Christmas pageant. All of these are open to the public.
You do not have to be a member to participate.